DriveSafety, Inc.
What We Do
DriveSafety's clinical driving simulators provide patients engaging treatment sessions, including the rehearsal of demanding driving skills in a safe environment and facilitating patient feedback across key areas of functional abilities including cognitive, perceptual, physical, and social skills. Examples of specific skills exercised include coordinated muscle movement, strength and range of motion, dynamic visual scanning, divided attention, working memory, problem solving, decision-making, judgment and reaction, and many more. DriveSafety has and continues to unite superior driving simulation technology with the rigor of independent research and clinical input to create and evolve the CDS-250 driving simulator. It comes standard with all the required hardware, software, shipping & handling, support, installation and on-site training to get started today. It fits through a standard doorway, has an installation footprint of 4' x 7', and runs on standard power.
Product Categories (4)
Activities of Daily Living, Assessment Tools, Driving Evaluation
426 White Pine Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
United States

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